Atlanta Oral History Meetup

Date: Tuesday, October 1st, 2019
Time: 6:00-8:00 p.m.

Location: Atlanta City Studio-South Downtown, 99 Broad Street SW, Atlanta, GA 30303 (between Martin Luther King, Jr. Dr. and Mitchell St.)

RSVP: Please contact Marian Liou by Friday, September 27, 2019, to let us know if you will be attending. Marian can be reached at or 404-547-1349.

An informal meetup for people who are currently planning or working on oral history projects with and among communities of color or other communities that have not yet been well represented in the public history of Atlanta, Georgia, and the South. We will be introducing ourselves and our projects and discussing project goals and design, challenges, lessons learned, tools and techniques, and, more broadly, the role and relevance of oral history in our public history and civic discourse. 

Hosts: Marian Liou, Principal Program Specialist, Atlanta Regional Commission, and Katherine Fisher, Digital Preservation & Social Change Archivist, GSU Library, collaborators on the Buford Highway Oral History Project

Directions: Atlanta City Studio-South Downtown is easily accessible by MARTA and is a block and a half south of the MARTA Five Points Station. Street parking is also available.